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Traveling Abroad

Middle Georgia State University


Study Abroad Program  

This Could Be You. 

Note: as travel evolves due to COVID-19, please check with Chris Avery for updates on program status.


What is Study Abroad?

The Middle Georgia State University (MGSU) Study Abroad Program is a diverse and fun experience for students at all levels and majors. It is designed to further your knowledge on different cultures in the world. This amazing experience will teach students the unique traditions that countries live by while learning about their lifestyles.


If you are interested in participating in a study abroad program please review this webpage. After reviewing this webpage, you will understand how to sign up and learn the proper safety protocols while you are traveling to other countries. 


For more information about study abroad or experimental learning and service programs please contact the Study Abroad Coordinator at 

Student Paper Writing

Study Abroad Opportunities

1. Credit-bearing study abroad programs:


  • Exploring Evidence-Based Practice in Ireland: Maymester program for BSN and Health Services Administration students at MGA. Complete your research course requirement while learning about Irish culture from the program's home base in Waterford.


  • USG Goes Global: Summer programs in major cities in Europe and Asia, offering core curriculum courses and upper-division courses in several majors. Click here for a list of USG Goes Global courses and their MGA equivalencies.


  • EU Studies "Discover the Heart of Europe": Maymester program allowing students in the EU Studies certificate program to travel to four countries (Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg) while studying the political and economic organization of the European Union as well as contemporary issues in European politics. 


2. Experiential learning and service learning programs:


  • Knights Impact: "Go for a good reason" with this one-week service-learning adventure in the Eastern Caribbean.

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The Middle Georgia State University Foundation's scholarship program is entirely funded by private contributions from generous donors including alumni, university faculty, businesses, and charitable foundations. The MGA Foundation awarded $392,373 in scholarships to deserving students in 2019-2020, and we are proud to continue offering new scholarship opportunities.



The MGA Foundation's scholarship program welcomes applications from students seeking funds to help attain their educational and career goals. Our scholarship portal allows students to browse available scholarship funds, view requirements, and submit an application. Access the scholarship portal.


Study abroad scholarships from external organizations.


Click the link above to access more scholarships! The link will take you to this page.

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Know your Knights Abroad 

Headshot Young Man

Jack Young 

MGSU Student

Hello, my name is Jack and I am a senior at Middle Georgia State University and I had the great opportunity to travel abroad with the university to Ireland. Which has been the best international trip I have ever experienced. I enjoyed my time and learned a lot about their culture! I would recommended my classmates to try and travel to one country with MGSU. 

Smiling Young Woman

Amanda Cole  

MGSU Student

Hi, my name is Amanda Cole and I am a Junior at Middle Georgia State University. My major is in Nursing and honestly I was so skeptical about leaving the country for the first time. However, with my first international trip to Ireland I learned so much about the country and had a lot of fun! I would definitely encourage students here at MGSU to expand theirs horizons and study abroad  

Smiling Young Man

James Johnson

MGSU Student

Hey, my name is James and I am a Sophomore at Middle Georgia State University. My major is in Business Administration and I always wanted to travel, but never had the money to do it. I was so hesitant and never thought I had the opportunity, but the MGSU staff helped me find programs where I can for basically free! Thanks to the them I had the opportunity to experience something I would have never imagined be possible to see.  

Teenage Students Raising Hands

Q. Where can I go? MGA offers programs in Europe and Asia; find more destinations via the UGA study abroad directory:




Q. How long can I stay?


A. From 2 weeks to 1 semester depending on the specific program. Most programs are 4–5 weeks.


Q. How much does it cost? Costs vary;


A. 5–week programs cost approximately $5,000.


Q. What’s included in the price?


A. Program costs generally cover airfare, ground transportation, lodging, some meals, health insurance, and some extras. Program costs do not include tuition.


Q. Can I use financial aid?


A. In most cases, financial aid applies to program costs as well as tuition. Check with the financial aid office for specific guidance.


Can I get a scholarship?

A. The Office of International Programs and the MGA Foundation both offer scholarships for study abroad. Many external organizations also offer scholarships. Note that you must be accepted to a study abroad program in order to qualify for scholarships.


Q. Do I have to know a foreign language?

A.  Foreign language experience is not a requirement for our programs. Courses other than foreign language courses are taught in English.


Q. Do I have to be in a certain major?


A. In addition to some major-specific programs we offer several programs that are open to students from a variety of majors at almost any level of study, including core curriculum classes.


More questions?


Text @mgaabroad to 81010 to receive information and ask questions via text. 

Follow @knightsabroad on Twitter and Instagram.

Find @mgaknightsabroad on Facebook.


Contact Chris Avery, Study Abroad Coordinator:


Look for the study abroad information table at campus events and presentations about study abroad in your classes. If you would a guide on please click these links!


Link: Student Guide to Study Abroad

Link: Parent Guide to Study Abroad

Frequently Asked Questions

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